The picture concerns an Afghanistan/Irak veteran (Jean-Claude Van Damme), he's living at hospital when is hired as a bodyguard. Reviewed by ma-cortes 6 / 10 Van Damme makes a nice performance as a very upset ex-soldier turned bodyguard

The scene is set in a hospital where a woman is interviewing a woman injured in a violent attack " Can you tell me who did this ? " " Mmmmm " " I,m sorry I didn't catch that " " " MMMMMMMMMM " Like I said it made me laugh but you can't help thinking it was made as a dramatic scene rather than a comical one It's also very noticeable the longer the film continues the more interested it becomes in the hip hop soundtrack, bad ass gangstas dissing each other with right on street lingo so much so that Savuage is redundant at the end, so much so you're left feeling cynical that JCVD was cast because he is a known name That said THE HARD CORPS does contain a scene that caused me to laugh out loud. The longer the film continues the more and more sidelined Van Damme's character Phillipe Sauvage becomes. This movie is a precursor to that sort of movie. DRAGON EYES from 2012 barely featured Van Damme and was more concerned with a pumping soundtrack and some bad ass homies. After seeing it I possibly expected too much and if you're someone who watches JCVD to see himkick butt you'll be disappointed too This treads the path that sees a Jean Claude Van Damme film have its star become more and more sidelined. The director is however Sheldon Leith who did make LEGIONAIRRE which is the by far the best of Jean Claude Van Damme's action adventure movies. I wouldn't say I had high expectations for this film since it's a straight to DVD release starring you know who. Reviewed by Theo Robertson 4 / 10 Hard To Sit Through